At the boundary waters journal, our goal is helping readers enjoy the very best wilderness canoe trips to the boundary waters and Quetico. For the past 33 years, BWJ has been by far the #1 resource for super-detailed, exclusive information for all things BWCAW/Quetico. Thousands turn to BWJ every quarter for all the wilderness inspiration and savvy advice needed to plan that next great wilderness experience. Sharing what we know and love about canoe country is what we do at BWJ.
Every quarterly issue includes 10+ in-depth feature-length articles with stunning color photography. These are real stories with real substance by real area experts. Every issue is 100 pages of pure canoe country passion, no boring columns with superficial sound-byte pieces like most publications. Many BWJ stories run 5-10 pages- this is how we dig deep into bringing you boundary waters intel you can’t get anywhere else. Regular BWJ topics include super-detailed canoe route journals of both BWCAW and Quetico trips, expert advice on how/when/where to enjoy the best canoe country fishing, all about the best wilderness canoe tripping gear, wilderness skills & savvy, high adventure tales, canoe country personalities, wildlife and nature essays, historical trips, canoe country humor, winter tripping adventures and so much more…. There is a reason BWJ readers find more solitude, see more wildlife, catch more trophy fish, and take home more priceless memories. They know that the secret to great wilderness canoe trips is planning and research and this is what BWJ is all about.
Our Team
Michele and Stuart Osthoff founded The Boundary Waters Journal in 1987 from their log cabin in the woods, five minutes from the BWCAW. Both worked for an Ely canoe outfitter during their college years and lived through the public turmoil of the 1978 BWCAW legislation. From their 240 acre homestead south of Ely, Michele and Stu operated one of the top sled dog racing kennels in North America from 1982-2002. They refer to the two eras of their married life as B.C –Before Children and A.D. –After Dogs. After sled dogs, Michele and the three kids became very involved in showing Saddlebred horses at top shows throughout the Midwest each summer. Stu returned to his hunting and fishing roots and still has English Pointer bird dogs for grouse and pheasant hunting. Stu is also an avid archery elk hunter and both he and Michele rifle hunt deer every year at their place and in the BWCAW. After many years of family canoe trips to the Quetico and BWCAW, Stu got back into guiding full-time each summer in 2008. For the past 13 years, Stu has led hundreds of hard-core anglers on Quetico fishing trips through his Grand Slam Guide Service. Stu doesn’t just sit in the office and write about canoe country, he lives out there week after week, season after season. Guiding these trips is how we generate unique story material and photos for BWJ. No other publisher/editor spends nearly as much time in the woods as Stu does. Every August, when fishing action in the Boundary Waters inevitably wanes, Stu guides trophy brook trout canoe trips to the Sutton River up off Hudson Bay. If it involves paddling down big fish, Stu is all over it. See Grand Slam Guide Service for more about his trips.
Over the past three decades, BWJ has developed a close working relationship with hundreds of the very best canoe country writers and photographers. These talented people love sharing their passion for canoe country with BWJ readers in every issue.