BWJ T.R.I.P.S. PROGRAM --- All active 3 and 5 year BWJ subscribers are eligible to participate in our FREE canoe trip planning service . Stu Osthoff spends more than 8 weeks each season paddling the BWCAW/Quetico through the Grand Slam Guide Service. 35 years of association with thousands of BWJ readers means Stu can probably help with your next trip. Typically, Stu can share advice/recommendations on campsite rankings, proven fishing spots by species, portage trail conditions, water levels, where to find solitude, blueberries, historical sites etc.
All active 3 and 5 year BWJ subscribers are eligible to participate in TRIPS. (Subscribers with 1 or 2 year subscriptions may extend their subscription to the 3 or 5 year level at any time)
To Participate, Please Follow These Instructions:
- Contact Stu Osthoff to find out if he can mark maps for your trip route*
- If Stu responds "Yes I can Help", please fill out the trip questionnaire online (print PDF version)
- Purchase the appropriate map(s) for your route from our online store*
*Stu will only mark maps for trip routes that he is familiar with
**If you already have the maps you need for your trip, please mail them to Stu with a self addressed, postage paid envelope (9396 Rocky Ledge Road, Ely, MN 55731)
PLEASE NOTE: I personally prefer McKenzie maps for the BWJ TRIPS Program. Their larger scale makes it easier for me to accurately mark specific locations. Islands, points, bays etc. are more distinguishable on a larger scale. McKenzie also has more of the BWCAW lakes depth charted which is a real asset for fishing reefs and structure. Black and white photocopies are no longer acceptable, as it is too hard for me to read and mark them.
- Please allow 4 weeks for your BWJ TRIPS report to be processed.
- Try to submit your BWJ TRIPS request between January and April. From mid-May through November I am “in the woods”. Do not wait until summer.
- Maps can be ordered online or by calling BWJ at (218) 365-6184
"It is my pleasure to share what I can to help you enjoy your wilderness canoe trip. Thank you very much for being a loyal BWJ subscriber."
~ Stu Osthoff , Publisher