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  • Winter 2023

In This Issue

BWCAW Winter Camping- Johnson, P.4. Anyone can enjoy the challenges, solitude of BWCAW winter camping. Get the right gear and attitude and you can do this. You’ll be back for more.

A Boundary Waters Winter- Osthoff, P. 10. Photo essay of skiing, snowshoeing, dogsledding, camping and ice fishing- and the advice on how to get started.

One Last Paddle- Clementz, P. 16. Fictional tale of solo cap-size in frigid November waters and mad scramble to survive. Lessons for all cold-water paddlers.

Living on The Edge-Fall 2023- Osthoff, P. 24. BWJ publisher shares highlights of his fall elk hunting, Ely area grouse hunting with pointers, BWCAW fall canoe trip down Isabella River, Ely deer hunting and more. What it is like to live in log cabin five minutes from the BWCAW year round.

A July 4Th To Remember- Brotzler, P. 42. First hand account on what it was like to weather/survive the infamous 1999 July Fourth BWCAW Blowdown on Bald Eagle Lake. Good advice on what to do when serious wind strikes your camp.

The Ghosts Of Basswood Lake- Rodgers, P. 50. Fascinating account of all the human history around BWCAW’s Basswood Lake- from native American settlements to logging, resort, tourism eras- author paddles down remnants of the way it used to be in the BWCAW. Great history piece.

Dan Cooke and CCS- Kesselring, P. 64.  The man behind the CCS brand of top wilderness canoeing gear and his remarkable paddling resume. Definitely a Boundary Waters icon.

Kawnipi And Bust- Teach, P. 70. When everything you outfit on your canoe trip seems to break all at once, you gotta get smart and improvise your way through it all. Lessons on preventive maintenance of canoe gear after the trip- to your outfit is ready to go next time.

More Married Than Before- Behrends, P. 74. Couple celebrates one year anniversary with a BWCAW trip that highlights their bond through thick and thin. How to help each other out when the chips are down.

Bigfoot Comes To The Boundary Waters- Tilp, P. 82. Strange noises in the night on BWCAW campsites can’t always be explained. Mystery is part of the magic of canoe country.

Glamping On Sag- Young, P. 94. Women’s group combines a BWCAW canoe trip with a cabin stay on Saganaga Lake. A great time had by all. 


Winter 2023

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